Written by TWFYT
Saturday March 15

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34

Some societies in history punished those who committed adultery by making them wear a bog scarlet letter A, publicly identifying with their behavior. And if you were caught stealing, they made you drag a ball and chain around. Maybe you're thinking, "Well, they deserved it." Really? Jesus said if you simply lust after someone, you have committed adultery in your heart (See Mt 5:28) Then He went on to say the standard of judgment you impose on others is the same standard you will be judged by (See Mt 7:1-2). God is not soft on sin; notice two things: (1) He won't just overlook your sin. "The Lord disciplines the one he loves" (Heb 12:6 NIV). (2) He won't turn His back on you. Nothing can separate us from the love of God (See Ro 8:38-39). We don't use scarlet letters or balls and chains today, but we use computers. So, when someone hurts you, God says we must forgive them and delete it! Otherwise, it will influence the way we think, act, and talk. Plus, it will keep us tied to old, painful memories. "But forgiving them is hard," you say. That's why Jesus said to pray for those who mistreat you (See Mt 5:44). Forgiving someone begins with praying from them. You say, "But I need to understand why they did it." Wise people do foolish stuff, good people do bad stuff, and misguided people don't know what they're doing. Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Someday you may understand what motivated your offender. But even if you don't, forgive them and delete it.
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