Written by TWFYT
Saturday January 11

"So they began this good work." Nehemiah 2:18 NIV

There is a time to pray, and there is a time to take action. Sometimes that means filling out the job application, or writing the check, or setting up the appointment, or having the conversation, or making the move. Peter Marshall said: "I wonder what would happen if we all agreed to read one of the Gospels until we came to a place that told us to do something, then went out to do it, and only after we had done it, began reading again? There are aspects of the Gospel that are puzzling and difficult to understand. But our problems are not centered around the things we don't understand, but rather the things we do understand...Our problem is not so much that we don't know what we should do. We know perfectly well, but we don't want to do it." One of the big mistakes we make is requesting God to do for us what God wants us to do  for Him. Before God parted the waters of the Jordan River to allow the Israelites to enter Canaan, He told the priests to take a few steps into the river. Why did God do it that way? Maybe it was because He wanted to know if they had enough faith to get their feet wet. As long as your feet are planted on dry ground, God won't part the river for you. You say, "I'm waiting for God to move." Perhaps God is waiting for you to step out in faith and make the first move. If so, the word for you today is--take action.
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