Written by TWFYT
Thursday February 13

"I will lead them in paths they have not known."  Isaiah 42:16 NKJV

As attested by the law of requisite variety, the continued existence of any system requires the ability to cultivate variety in its internal structures. In physical exercise, for example, routines eventually become useless. If you exercise the same way each time you work out, your muscles begin adapting and stop developing. You have to change your routine. You have to disorient them. This is true spiritually. One author writes: "When I'm in a spiritual slump, nine times out of ten, something scared has become routine. I'm sure it differs by personality, but one of the way I snap out of a spiritual slump is by disturbing my routine and experimenting with spiritual disciplines. Sometimes all it takes is a small change in routine. Volunteer at a local homeless shelter. Start keeping a gratitude journal. Get plugged into a small group or Bible study. Take a day off and do a personal retreat. Or just get up a little earlier in the morning and spend a little extra time with God. One of the small changes in routine that has helped me rejuvenate my devotional times is pocking up a new translation of Scripture. New words help me think new thoughts." In order to grow spiritually, you need consistency, structure, and discipline. But when you go through a spiritual dry spell, try changing your spiritual routine. Instead of doing things the way you have always done them, try doing things differently. "I will lead them in paths they have not known." God doesn't change, but He moves! And in order to get to where God wants to take you, you must be willing to move with Him.
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