Written by TWFYT
Thursday March 13

"They have dug...cisterns that can hold no water." Jeremiah 2:13 NLT

We are desirous by nature. We keep desiring things just like we keep taking our next breath. The trouble is, when we get the things we crave, they don't bring us the happiness we yearn for. So, we keep looking for more and more things. Online stores are in the business of "creating need." Things we had assigned to our "want" category are switched to our "need" category. But according to a theologian, here is the problem: "We cannot get enough of what we do not need...No matter how much we have, we rain "not-enough" people. For not-enough people, there exists no lasting should satisfaction. I saw an ad that featured the tagline 'yesterday I didn't know it existed; today I can't live without it.' [It's called] they myth of more, the myth that one day more will be enough. If we believe this myth, we spend our lives looking for the next thing. It might be a car, or a promotion, to the love of a beautiful woman or handsome man. It might be, depending on your age, an iPad, or a Lamborghini, or a Tickle Me Elmo doll. We keep hoping that the next thing will be it--the source of tru satisfaction. Then it wears off. it always wears off." Understand this: Only Jesus can satisfy; everything else disappoints. God said, "My people have done two evil things" they have abandoned me--the fountain of living water. And...dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!" If you are tired of living an empty life, come to Jesus. He won't disappoint you.
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