Written by TWFYT
Tuesday March 4

"There's...a right hold on and another to let go."  Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6 MSG

Persistence, determination, commitment, and recognizing the "right hold on" are all commendable qualities, whether it's setting aside time to pray and read every day, eating dinner with your family, finding a better job, or losing weight, etc. But it's equally important to recognize the "right let go" of self-generated urgency and things that are stopping you from living "life in all its fullness" (Jn 10:10 NCV). The Bible tells us to "lay aside every weight" (Her 12:1 NKJV). Not sure how to start? One teacher offers this suggestion: "Go to the hardware store and buy a flat patio stone that fits into your briefcase or purse. Then take a marker and write on the tone all the fears and prerequisites that are stopping you from enjoying life. Carry it with you wherever you go...eating, working, watching TV, showering, sleeping. Feel how heavy it is? It's hard to get anything done when your muscles are working overtime carrying all that extra weight. At the end of the second day (if you last long!), sit down with your stone, review the list, and make a conscious decision to let go of the worries and burdens that are sapping your energy. Then go outside and set the rick down beside your front door. See how much lighter you feel? How much easier it is to get things done? Before you leave home every day, take a second look at your stone...then turn around and deliberately walk away." That's what it means to "give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you" (Ps 55:22 NLT). 
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