Written by TWFYT
Wednesday September 25

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."  John 10:11 NKJV

Jesus told of a shepherd with a hundred sheep. When one of them was lost, he left the other ninety-nine in the fold and searched until he found the one lost sheep. Then he put it on his shoulders and rejoiced as he brought it home. Good shepherds don't care about some of the flock, or most of the flock, but all of the flock. That becomes most evident when one sheep gets lost. As darkness fell, fear clutched her heart. She shrieked and cried until, worn out, she laid down and went to sleep. Her father, his voice husky from shouting her name, had been looking for her for many hours when he found her lying in a grassy area. Crying out to her, he rushed to her side. The little girl woke up, leapt into his arms, hugged him, and said, "Daddy, I'm so happy I found you!" That's out story. But we don't find Jesus; He finds us. And He find us--because He is constantly looking for us. Jesus ended His parable in these words: "I tell you...there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who so not need to repent" (Lk 15:7 NIV). Every time one lost person is found, heaven celebrates. "You mean I matter that much to the Lord?" Yes. Just as the shepherd left ninety-nine sheep to search for the one that was lost, Jesus loves you and died to save you. So, come to Him today.
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