Written by TWFYT
Thursday September 12

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual favor, serving the Lord."  Romans 12:11 NIV

Just as an EKG can measure the health of our physical heart and blockages that can threaten it, it's helpful to have an instrument that can measure the level of our zeal, commitment, and wholeheartedness when it comes to serving the Lord. The following six questions will do just that: (1) Do I talk openly and frequently about my commitment to Christ in order to create a kind of public accountability  for my actions? (2) Do I accept the responsibility to grow? Do I read books and practice skills and get together with those farther down the road who can help me improve? (3) Do I complain about problems in a way that cleverly rationalizes a half-hearted involvement? (4) Do I handle discouragement by talking with God and requesting strength to persevere? (5) Do I acknowledge and celebrate even  my small steps in the right direction? (6) The apostle Paul writes, "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Zeal describes passion, persistence, and power. And these are things I am able to track and guard. Am I honest about my level of zeal these days? When my zeal is flagging, do I take steps to renew it? Think about each of these questions carefully and prayerfully. Be honest with God and yourself. And if you don't like the answers, decide today to take action. Send more time alone with God in prayer and reading His Word. Having a burning zeal for God is like tending a fire; it requires constant fueling and maintenance. And no one else can do that for you.
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